
Pastor McKinney, Pastor
Pastor McKinney is passionate about preaching the Word and winning people to the Lord. Pastor McKinney uses all of his talents to bring vibrant, anointed messages each service using informative and inspirational methods. Pastor McKinney is licensed with the United Pentecostal Church, Intl. and has been serving the Lord since 1981 and has been active in ministry since 1982.
Keith Bartley, Worship & Music Minister
Keith is passionate about music. Keith is an accomplished keyboardist and organist. Keith’s role is to lead the Church in praise and worship with music. Keith, along with Rebekah Gooslin, lead the music department in song preparation and presentation. Keith also helps the Pastor by teaching the Adult Bible Class when called upon.
Connie McKinney, Choir Director
The Bible has a lot to say about music, and is currently looking for a Choir Director who will with vibranance and anointing lead the church’s Choir and Praise Team in ushering the congregation into the Presence of the Lord.

Pam is very passionate about children’s ministry. Her creative ways of using puppets, signing, and drama to bring the Lord glory is unsurpassed. Pam takes care of Children’s Church, Christmas and Easter Presentations, and an integral part of the church’s yearly VBS program. She currently teams up with Bro. Gage Hurley and together they operate the cameras, sound, and multimedia presentations. All of which help with our Radio and Television Broadcasts.

Gage Hurley, Audio & Visual
Gage is advanced beyond his years in technology. He currently teams up with Sis. Pam Bartley and together they operate the cameras, sound, and multimedia presentations. All of which help with our Radio and Television Broadcasts.

Van Ministry We would encourage you to pray about being a part of this great ministry. The Van Ministry responsibiliti are of the utmost importance–transporting people safely to and from Church services. Without this ministry, many would not be able to attend services at CAC. If you need a ride you can call the Church Office at 60
??? Minstry
This could be YOU! CAC is always sensitive to new ministries being birthed to help others be all they can be for the Lord. If you have a calling on your life or feel you have special talents that could be used in the Church, feel free to contact Pastor McKinney and let’s do great things for the Lord!